
escape You make it out, yet, you find yourself trapped in the belly of a hostile nation, the taste of freedom tantalizingly close but elusive.

You weigh your options:

1. Hide on a boat as a stowaway: A gamble with the tides, seeking refuge on the open sea, where anonymity is your ally and the horizon your only boundary.

2. Hijack a nearby plane: A daring leap into the cockpit, wresting control of the skies in a bold bid for escape, where every second is a heartbeat closer to freedom or oblivion.

3. Reach out to a contact and hope for safe transit: A lifeline in the shadows, beckoning assistance from a trusted ally, where loyalty is currency and secrecy your shield in the dangerous game of espionage.

In this crucible of uncertainty, each choice is a gamble with consequences unknown. But in the crucible of chaos, the only certainty is that action must be taken, and swiftly, lest the jaws of fate close around you once more.

Sam's Site

A place for my projects